
"I would we were all of one mind, and one mind good." --Cymbeline, V.iv.209-210. An English teacher's log. Slow down: Check it once in a while.

Monday, July 17, 2017

On Milo's Dangerous

            I have just finished reading Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos. 

            Whether you identify as right, left, center, apolitical, or none of the above, I highly recommend this book if you want to understand any of the following:

               The polarization of America
The threats to traditional American liberal values
Fake news
The culture war
Who was, is, and is not the “alt-right”
The reason for the election of Donald Trump and what George Will doesn’t get about him
What is and isn’t happening on college campuses
Why some gays are not allowed to march in Gay Pride parades
What video gamers have to do with freedom of speech
Who does and doesn’t care about Black lives
Where American values and Sharia conflict
Why feminism became unpopular
Why a Harvard-educated reader of my blog would (wrongly) accuse me of being a bigot-sympathizer
and lots more.

            This book is flamboyant and risqué.  However, Milo is not a racist, sexist, white-supremacist, bigot, or liar, as he has been called. (Many have had to retract under threat of legal action.) The book is filled with facts and sources and analysis and courage, and reading it will have the following effects:

If you’re conservative, it will give you some hope for the younger generation and challenge you not to be boring.
If you’re liberal, it will reinforce your classical liberal values.
If you’re libertarian, it will give you a shot in the arm.
If you’re apolitical, it will wake you to your own self-interest.
If you’re in college, it will show you that you are not alone.
If you’re a parent or an alum or rich, it will help you to decide which colleges you’re willing to pay for or donate to and which not.
If you’re a consumer of NPR, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, Fox, Facebook, or Twitter, it will shiver your timbers.
And if you’re a leftist who believes in social justice rather than justice, it will invite you to make arguments instead of calling names.

            I don’t say you will or should agree with everything in this book.  But I do say you should read it and know what it really says. Besides, it’s fun.  (And no, I’m not getting paid to write this.)

             Finally, if this blog post makes you want to call me names, you really need to read the book.


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