
"I would we were all of one mind, and one mind good." --Cymbeline, V.iv.209-210. An English teacher's log. Slow down: Check it once in a while.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Announcing "Appreciating Shakespeare" Podcasts

I have begun uploading a podcast series called Appreciating Shakespeare. 

Please check it out either here:


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I am doing these podcasts in two series. Here’s the plan:

Series I: Background Knowledge—31 numbered podcasts (about 20 minutes each):

1–3:     What’s so great about Shakespeare?

4:         Who was Shakespeare the man?

5:         What was the state of the art in Shakespeare’s theater?

6–9:     Did people really talk like that?—Shakespeare’s language

10:       Foiled again?—Shakespeare’s characters

11–13: Why the play’s the thing—unity in variety

14–18: Why all the footnotes?—Shakespeare’s mental furniture

19:       Whose interpretation is right?

20:       Is this what Shakespeare actually wrote?—Shakespeare’s 


21–22: What kind of thing is it?—categories of plays

23:       What is a sonnet for?

24:       Did Shakespeare write more than plays and sonnets?—the 


25:       Did Shakespeare collaborate?—possibly, probably, 


26:       Hypothetical, spurious, and false Shakespeare

27–29: The nature of art

30:       To the student actor—with guest

31:       To the director of student actors—with guest


Series II: The Plays and Sonnets—26 lettered podcasts (longer):


A: The Taming of the Shrew

B: A Midsummer Night’s Dream                                                       

C: The Merchant of Venice                                                                

D: Much Ado about Nothing                                                 

E: As You Like It                                                                                

F: Twelfth Night                                                                                 

G: Measure for Measure                                                                   


H: Romeo and Juliet                                                                          

I: Julius Caesar                                                                     

J: Hamlet

K: Othello                                                                                          

L: King Lear                                                                                      

M: Macbeth

N: Antony and Cleopatra


O: Introduction to the Histories and Genealogy

P: Richard III                                                                        

Q: Richard II                                                             

R: Henry IV, Part 1                                                                           

S: Henry IV, Part 2                                                                            

T: Henry V                                                                             


U: Troilus and Cressida                                                                   


V: The Winter’s Tale                                                 

W: The Tempest                                                                                

Selected Sonnets

X: Selected Sonnets 1–65                                                                  

Y: Selected Sonnets 73–116                                                              

Z: Selected Sonnets 129–146


Questions about specifics or about the overall plan are welcome at
