
"I would we were all of one mind, and one mind good." --Cymbeline, V.iv.209-210. An English teacher's log. Slow down: Check it once in a while.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Infallible Money-Making Scheme

Dear Friends,

I am offering an infallible money-making scheme to any of you who are willing to gamble on the outcome of the next election.  Once you agree to my terms, I will tell you in advance of election day exactly how I am going to vote on each candidate and each proposition.  All you need to do is to bet on the contrary outcome and you will make a killing. 

My track record is pristine.  In yesterday’s election, for example, every candidate for whom I voted and every proposition that I supported lost.  Likewise, every candidate and proposition that I opposed won.  As a result my political convictions have become an extremely valuable commodity.

All I ask in return for my infallible information is a mere 10% of your guaranteed winnings.  There is no risk of your losing money.  Luck will be a thing of the past.  In addition to the possibility of unlimited financial gain, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have helped a fellow citizen pluck a monetary victory out of the jaws of political despair.  It’s a flawless deal, too good to pass up! 


Anonymous Adam F. said...

I will place that bet any day. It is really starting to seem like the path towards moral and political darkness in this country is inexorable. In the near future, this country will be unrecognizable.

The only vote I placed that resulted in a favorable outcome for me was my rejection of Proposition 34.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to bet on the government shutdown?

6:30 PM  
Blogger GRap said...

Too close to call. But you can be sure that if the government is shut down, the Democrats will blame the Republicans and the Republicans the Democrats, and both will be right. On the other hand, would it be so bad for the gov't to stop spending for a few days?

10:48 PM  

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