
"I would we were all of one mind, and one mind good." --Cymbeline, V.iv.209-210. An English teacher's log. Slow down: Check it once in a while.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Très Fizz

I just saw a production of Lés Miserables (“The World’s Most Popular Musical”) for the first time. Singers were excellent and production was effective enough. The thing itself, however—though Claude-Michel Schönberg’s music is marginally better than that of the insufferable Andrew Lloyd Webber—inspired the following lines, to the tune you no doubt know (which I am hoping this blog post will exorcise from my mind):

Since you’ve come into this joint,
All the warning signs ignoring,
Please don’t seek for any point,
Or you’ll find the whole thing boring,

[a third higher] But awash in all my notes,
And in all my cliché phrases—
Foam enough to float your boat,
Jerk your tears and critics’ praises—

From the dusk halfway to dawn,
Drugged by ciphers of devotion,

[spoken or whispered or shouted with passionate emotion] You will listen on and on,
[sung again] Bathed in bubbles of emotion . . .

As usual, better to read the book.

P.S. This is the sort of opinion that has so increased the readership of my blog and made me a popular a critic among literally dozens of Americans.


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